Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Demonata

The full moon shone brightly, high in the sky at this late hour, against the tar colored backdrop of the sky. There was not a star in sight, just murky clouds floating dreamily around. Two men stood in the middle of a graveyard, waiting for something it seemed.
One looked about twenty, short, brown hair, bright green eyes. He was very calm and composed. He turned toward the other, a boy of about eighteen. You could tell he was nervous by the way his chocolate brown eyes darted everywhere and he kept running his fingers through his shaggy, blonde hair.
"Calm down Ryan, this is going to go fine and we will both get out of here alive." Ryan looked at him incredulously and a bit angry.
"Calm down!? How the hell can I calm down James!? We are about to meet with a demon! These things are dangerous and can't be trusted! I can't believe I let you talk me into this."
Suddenly they were plunged into darkness as a cloud obscured the moon. A bloodcurdling scream escaped James lips, then silence.
"James? James!?" No answer
As the cloud passes by and the moon comes back into view, Ryan notices the footprints. They are odd footprints, shaped like a birds, but way to big to belong to one. As the moon hits them, something shines on the ground and as he bends down to get a closer look he realizes its a mixture of blood and some type of blue, slimy substance. He stands back up, horrified. The footprints disappear off into the distance, and he knows the demon has taken James with him. He follows the footprints, careful not to step in to slimy, bloody mess.
They footprints lead him to a hole underneath the gravestone of the Allen family. Debating on wether or not he should go down there to try and save James, he lists the Pros and Cons to himself.
"Pros, I will be able to find James...ummm" Not seeing anymore obvious Pros, he moves onto the Cons.
"Cons, I might not be able to find James and will be stuck down there forever and a demon could always find me and kill me. Even if i do find James, how am I supposed to get him away from the demon without getting killed? And even if i do find him and get him away, I might not be able to find the exit."
Even though there were more Cons than Pros, and James had brought this one himself (Ryan had warned him this was dangerous) James was his best friend and he would never be able to live with himself if he left James here without even trying to rescue him.
"Alright then here goes nothing." Ryan stepped into the hole and was swallowed by the darkness.

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