Saturday, August 30, 2008

Locked Up

If only you knew
The feelings I have for you
Then maybe you could tell me
That you love me too
Yet I shy away from all my feelings
And keep them locked up in a safe
I throw away the key
In a place where no one can find it
Not even me
Yet when I see you
These feelings come surfacing back
And it's hard to keep them buried deep
I want to say how much I care
Yet I'm to afraid to be rejected
Because then I'd feel so insecure
But oh, how these feelings rule my heart
And I can't decide what to do
I know so much yet so little about you
But I know enough that I want you to be mine
So I wait and wait for you to say something first
Yet you don't
I guess I'll just have to keep waiting


Anonymous said...

Nice. It's great how you were able to express your feelings in one poem without going over the edge like some of the others.

Mackenzie said...

harumph. well that was a very nice comment. well yeah i guess it was its just that u critisized my other poems but whatevs u finaly posted unlike SOME people. *coufgh* maddie *coufgh* bela.

Maddie said...

hey noodle. Howz that tickle in ur throat? i'm sorry that i haven't been 2 ur blog lately. i've just been extremely busy. i agree with samjack-nick. it was good, but as for the last part in his comment, i think that ur poems are perfectly proportioned.

Mackenzie said...

yes thank you maddie i agree profusly. hey r u goin to the st. pius fair tommaorw?

Maddie said...

where is it? i might go if i know what it is!